Hotel booking calendar – 5 features that will make your life easier

22.07.2020 Mariusz Luzar, KWHotel Team
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Hotel booking calendar is the beating heart of the front desk. It doesn’t matter if you write each reservation down in an old notebook, fill in an Excel sheet or use a hotel software. There is always a point where you have to search for something, and most often you have to do it with a guest waiting on the line, or worse, at your reception desk.

Today, you will discover 5 functions available in our system, which will not only greatly simplify searching for stays and vacant rooms, but also improve communication between the receptionists.

Kalendarz rezerwacji pokoi w hotelu - mężczyzna naciska dzwonek na recepcji

How to check a room group vacancy in 5 seconds?

Imagine you receive a call from Mr Smith who is interested in staying in a triple room. You now need to quickly check its availability. What are your options?

✅ You frantically browse your worn-out notebook in search of possible stays in this period
✅ You log into the Excel spreadsheet and browse the section dedicated to triple rooms
✅ You open your hotel program and look at the hotel booking calendar to estimate vacancies

Think how much easier it would be to limit your search area to just a triple room? This is where the room group filtering feature comes in handy. Just select a triple room on the list and voilà – you have a full overview of its availability.

Hotel booking calendar - room group filter

How to instantly view the payment status of any booking?

When a few days ago I stayed with my better half in one of the resorts in Nowy Sącz, Poland, our first task was to settle the payment for the stay. The polite lady sat us down on the sofa and started browsing through the notebook in search of our reservation. It took quite a while, during which we were even asked … if we remembered the cost of our stay. Not the best impression from the guest’s perspective, right?

Our troubled hotelier would surely benefit from a hotel booking calendar in Excel or hotel program. In the latter case, a glance at the reservation colour on the schedule is enough, and we already know if the payment has been settled. Now we click on the tile and get full information about the guest’s stay.

Hotel booking calendar - room payment status

How to find a dream room for your guest?

When talking on the phone with a potential guest, you use various techniques to engage him in a conversation and ultimately convince to book a stay. One way to increase such engagement is to ask the right questions – for example, about your guest’s dream room.

You probably know the inventory in your rooms very well, but don’t remember their vacancies, right? Another function of our hotel booking calendar comes in handy here.

“Find room” allows you to select specific features of the room you are searching for, and then display the vacancies. Now you can share the good news with your guest!

Hotel booking calendar - room search

How to quickly find guest’s reservation?

Bravo, you’ve convinced your guest that his dream is to stay at your hotel. And so he arrives at your doorstep and wants to check-in. If you don’t want to waste as much time as the hotelier from my story, it’s worth preparing in advance.

Our hotel booking calendar has a very convenient option to search for a guest by his reservation number. Just enter it in the appropriate field, and after a while, the booking window will appear on the screen!

Hotel booking calendar - reservation search

How to easily inform your team that room has been excluded from sale?

Sometimes your rooms need a little renovation (for more or less random reasons). We obviously don’t want to receive any guests at this time. If you are not using any hotel software, you will most likely prepare an annotation in the Excel sheet or leave a note at the reception desk. With KWHotel, however, you can go one step further..

The “Out of order” feature allows you to stop room sale for a specified period of time. Your hotel booking calendar will display it as a special grey tile. It’s so simple!

Hotel booking calendar - room out of order

Hotel booking calendar – want to know more?

I hope you found my post helpful. If you’d like to discover more features for hoteliers provided by KWHotel, I invite you to a free presentation of our system!

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