Managing SPA calendar and treatments

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This manual includes:

1. Accessing the SPA module
2. Creating workers
3. Creating Cabins
4. Creating services
5. Calendar of treatments
6. Creating reservations

1. Accessing the SPA module

KWHotel SPA module is used to manage the SPA & wellness treatments in your hotel. The treatments are managed using the hour based calendar.

Having installed the SPA module, a new icon will be accessible from the main toolbar.


2. Creating workers

Step by step guide to creating  new workers:

  1. Select the “Workers” tab and click “Manage workers”
  2. Fill in the basic data
  3. Choose the color associated with this worker
  4. Select whether a worker is active (he will be displayed in the worker list)
  5. Click “Add new worker” to finish the worker creation (he will appear on the list on your right)
  6. Click “Save” to complete the process


Attention! You can add multiple workers and then click Save to complete the process for all of them at once. To edit a worker, double-click on his initials on the list on the right. Now you can modify them on the left.

3. Creating Cabins

Step by step guide to creating new SPA cabins:

  1. Select the “Cabins” tab and click “Manage cabins”
  2. Fill in the basic data
  3. Choose the color associated with this cabins
  4. Click “Add new Cabins” to finish the cabins creation (it will appear on the list on your right)
  5. Click “Save” to complete the process

Attention! You can add multiple cabins and then click “Save” to complete the process for all of them at once. To edit a cabinet, double click on its` initials on the list on the right. Now you can modify them on the left.


4. Creating services

Step by step guide to creating new SPA services:

  1. Select the “Cabinets” tab and click “Services”
  2. Fill in the service name, duration, and price
  3. Click “Share service” to make it available for purchase
  4. “Add service” to complete the service creation (it will appear on the list at the top)
  5. “Save” to finish the process

Attention! You can add multiple services and then click Save to complete the process for all of them at once. To edit a service, double-click on its` initials on the list on the right. Now you can modify them on the bottom.

5. Calendar of treatments

Calendar view depends on the date selected in the upper left part of the screen (#1). You can either display 1 day (by clicking it) or term (by dragging the mouse cursor over more days at once).

To quickly move to another month, click the month`s name and select another one. (#2) Similarly, to move to another year, click the year and select a different one. (#3).

Reservation can be either created on the given worker`s or cabinet`s calendar, or on the shared calendar.

To choose a specific worker or cabinet, click his name on the left side of the screen (#4). Reservation colors depend on the chosen cabins (#5), while strips on the left – on the chosen worker. (#6)

The “Customers” tab (#7) will display all clients registered for your SPA treatments. You can use the search bar to find the particular customer.

Attention! You can resize the calendar by using the “Calendar height” option, located in the bottom left corner of the SPA module.

6. Creating reservations

Step by step guide to creating new SPA reservations:

  1. Select either a calendar of worker/cabinet or the shared calendar and click “Book”
  2. Choose a term and hour
  3. Add customer
  4. Choose cabinet, worker, and service
  5. Compare the recommended service time with selected Modify the time if needed
  6. Insert a required payment
  7. If money was collected, either insert partial payment or click “Paid”
  8. Include comments if needed
  9. Click “Save” to complete the reservation process

Attention! Invoices must be issued in the Accounting module of KWHotel.

Click here to download or print full manual.

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