KWHotel Booking Engine implementation

KWHotel Booking Engine implementation means deploying it on a hotel`s website. There are several ways of performing such process:

Our Team offers the following solutions:

1) Basic implementation:
A) implementing online booking system under a “Book Now” button (“Rezerwuj” on the exemplary screenshot below) or
B) implementing online booking system as a form with arrival / departure dates to be selected by the website visitor

In both cases, your visitor can be redirected to the KWHotel Booking Engine:

or Booking Engine can be placed directly on your website as an iFrame:

2) Advanced implementation – displaying each room / apartment on separate subpages. This solution allows for presenting rooms / apartments and their details in a way that is adjusted to the website`s appearance. Costs of such orders are estimated individually case by case.

Some exemplary implementations can be viewed here.

You may also implement KWHotel Booking Engine on your own, by placing a link on your website (click here for a guide) or using our API documentation (click here for more details).

In order to receive a final quote for implementation, our technicians need the following information:
– which way of implementation are you interested in
– where would you like to place KWHotel Booking Engine on your website
– we need access data to your website`s panel (i.e. WordPress).

Before we can proceed with implementation, your FTP server`s access data must also be provided.


In regards to KWHotel Booking Engine implementation, you may contact us at