Connecting reservations into group reservation
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1. How to change an individual reservation into a group reservation
Step by step guide:
- Open an individual reservation that you wish to change into a group reservation
- Proceed to the “Other” tab.
- In the middle of the screen you will notice a field with “0” number in Above it there is a sign: “Type a number of reservation that you wish to attach to the group reservation or leave 0 to a new group reservation”. Leave 0 and click Create.
- KWHotel will now open the group reservation window.
2. How to add a individual reservation into a group reservation
First we need to find out the ID number of the group reservation we intend to use. To do so, please open the group reservation and look in the upper right corner of the screen. You will see a text “Editing a group reservation no. X” where X is the ID you are looking for.
Now let us proceed to the main part. Step by step guide:
- Open an individual reservation that you wish to add to the group reservation.
- Proceed to the “Other”tab.
- In the middle of the screen you will notice a field with “0” number in Above it there is assign: “Type a number of reservation that you wish to attach to the group reservation or leave 0 to a new group reservation”. Instead of “0” type the ID of the group reservation you have obtained a moment ago.
- KWHotel will now open your group reservation and the individual reservation will be included there.
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