Customizing the hotel reservation calendar
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This manual includes:
1. Contents of the Reservation Calendar
2. Advanced calendar customization
1. Contents of the Reservation Calendar
The calendar consists of four main parts:
A. Room list
List of rooms including their symbols (numbers), amount of beds (extra beds are shown after the plus sign, e.g. +1 – one extra bed), housekeeping status and room groups filter.
Attention! If there is no dot shown next to the room symbol, please double click the room symbol and choose the status.
If you don`t see all the rooms on the calendar:
- check if the room groups filter has all room groups selected,
- verify the number of rooms supported for the KWHotel license you purchased.
In Tools –> Configuration –> Other –> Page 3 it is possible to:
- Change the room status to “Needs cleaning” after the guest check in
- Change the room status to “Needs cleaning” after the X amount of days
B. Reservation calendar
Calendar divided into days and months (Saturdays are marked blue, Sundays red). The past days are highlighted in grey.
Attention! Numbers below the calendar show the amount of vacant rooms and beds for the given day. Example. 15-37 means 15 vacant rooms, 37 vacant beds.
C. Toolbar
Here you will find all options related to reservation, customer and room management.
- date selection – used to quickly proceed through days, months and years and to jump to the current day (highligthed in yellow) by clicking the “Today” button.
- calendar width and height – these sliders allow you to adjust the calendar cells according to your personal preferences.
- reservation buttons – “Add a reservation” and “Add a group booking” buttons are used to create new reservations.
- printout options – The “Preview” and “Print” buttons are used to print the calendar in the way you see it on the screen.
Attention! If you would like to see more on your printout, use the “Calendar width” and “Calendar height” sliders.
5. find room – used to search for rooms of the desired parameters, e. furnishing, amount of beds or vacancy.
6. search buttons – “find a customer or reservation” is used to search for a particular customer and reservations associated with them.
“Find a reservation by number” button allows you to find an individual/group reservation by submitting its KWHotel or online reservation ID or by the date of its` creation.
Attention! When having “Find reservation by number” window opened, it is possible to search for a reservation using the guest name, company name or ID without copying this data. Just open another document or website where the above data is located, select it and then press “Ctrl+ Z” – KWHotel will automatically search for reservations associated with them.
7. mini calendar – graphical presentation of the vacant rooms and beds for each day of the month – it is especially useful for hostels that have a large number of beds. Information found in this calendar allows you to quickly assess the allotment of your hostel and verify if the large number of guests can be booked at once.
Attention! Reading information from the mini calendar is similar to the main calendar – 01/04 equals 1 vacant room / 4 vacant beds. It is also possible to check the allotment in the given room group by choosing it from the room groups filter.
8. move reservations without Shift key – this button allows you to move reservations by selecting them with your mouse button and dragging to another term/room.
Attention! It is possible to move the reservation by mistake which cannot be undone. We recommend to disable the above option and press the SHIFT key during the process instead.
9. switch calendar display – changes the day display between the whole day or half&half because many reservations start and finish around noon.
10. group rooms – changes the order of the room This option is dedicated mainly for hostels; there is also an additional Hostel button enabled which arranges rooms by beds.
11. group bookings filter – hides all individual reservations from the calendar, leaving only the group If you select one of such reservations, all of the remaining reservations which belong to this group booking will be highlighted.
12. rooms filter – allows you to search for a particular room that includes the typed phrase or number (minimum two characters is required)
D. Reservation calendar
The default reservation statuses in KWHotel depend on the reservation day (past, present, future) and the payment done by the guest (settled, not settled, advance, excess payment)
It is possible to create additional reservation statuses that will show by switching to the “Additional reservation statuses” bar.
Attention! To add an additional reservation status:
1.Open an existing individual reservation,
2. In the bottom right corner choose “Extra reservation status”,
3. Click “Edit a booking status”
4. Type the name of the new reservation status, its` number on the list, choose its color and click “Add” and “Save” and save the whole reservation.
If you want to modify the given status, double click in the right part of the screen (its` data will then show on your left), modify it, click “Correct” and save the changes.
2. Advanced calendar customization
By clicking Tools –> Configuration –> Calendar, you will be able to further modify your calendar.
You can adjust the following settings:
- reservation appearance on the calendar,
- reservation color shading,
- sharp edges,
- calendar grid lines color,
- font color in the calendar,
- Text on the reservation strip (number of people, address, comments)
- Reservation strip frame thickness.
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