Apartment owners module – unable to see the commissions table

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1. No commissions table in the apartment owners` panel

My apartment owners are unable to see their commissions` table in the web panel. Why?


There are two possibilities why the commissions table is not displayed in the apartment owners` panel.

Possibility 1: Commissions calculation was not set up in the apartment owners` panel.

To fix this issue, log to your KWHotel Web administrator panel and proceed to Configuration > Apartment owners > Calculations. It is required to configure all fields located here. Additionally, please make surethat the “New calendar for apartment owners” option is enabled. Having finished configuration, save the changes.

If any setting, located in the “Calculations” tab does not apply to your property, leave there a value of “0”.

Possibility 2: No tables were configured to be displayed to apartment owners.

To fix this issue, log to your KWHotel Web administrator panel and proceed to Configuration > Apartment owners > Calendar.

Now drag to the right (“Enabled columns”) all fields that you wish to present to your apartment owners.
Having finished the configuration, save the changes

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