Installing KWHotel Pro

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1. How to download KWHotel Pro?

Download KWHotel Pro by clicking the “Access link” button in the email message.

Install KWHotel Pro. The installation is very simple as it requires you to continually click “Next” until it’s completed. Don’t forget to read and agree with our license terms!

Steps of installation:

  • Choose language if prompted
  • The KWHotel installation wizard is The wizard will guide you through the whole installation process
  • License agreement
  • Choose location – the wizard proposes a default location
  • Choose start menu folder – the wizard proposes a default location
  • Installation completed!

KWHotel Pro initial startup will now begin. Click the “Let`s start” button.
Now choose between “KWHotel server” and “Your own server”. The first option must be picked in case you purchased the online MySQL database from our Team.

STEP 4 (KWHotel server)
If you picked the “KWHotel server” option, you should now insert your database credentials. They can be found in the purchase email from KWHotel Team.

STEP 4 (Your own server)
If you picked the “Your own server” option, you will now be asked to pick whether your server is an Internet or local one. Please choose the desired option.
Having done that, please pick between a MySQL or MS SQL server. In case you are uncertain about your choice, please contact your database provider.

STEP 5 (KWHotel server)
Having typed the connection data, either:

  1. click “Connect” to create a pure database and enter the program
  2. click “Import data from Free/Standard” and select your latest Free/Standard backup copy

Attention! During the import process a message may display stating that your database backup is too large. Just click “No” for the process to carry on.

STEP 5 (Your own server)
Please insert your database connection credentials in the correct fields.

Having typed the connection data, either:

  1. click “Connect” to create a pure database and enter the program
  2. click “Import data from Free/Standard” and select your latest Free/Standard backup copy

Attention! During the import process a message may display stating that your database backup is too large. Just click “No” for the process to carry on.

KWHotel Pro will now start automatically and ask you for the email and license key. They are located in the same email message as this guide.

Attention! If the online license registration process fails, use the “Import from file” option located in the bottom left part of the registration screen. It allows you to load the license file that has been attached to this email message.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed KWHotel Pro!

Click here to download or print full manual.
Installation Guide for version 0.46 can be found here.

To read more about the different server options click for the blog post here.
Finally to learn more on how to protect your database please take a look at the blog post linked here.

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