What is the difference between KWHotel Standard and Pro?
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Both KWHotel Standard and KWHotel Pro contain all the same functions. However, there are 2 difference between KWHotel Standard and KWHotel Pro.
1) How information is stored and if the information can be shared between computers.
KWHotel Standard saves all information on the computer it is installed on. It cannot share information to other computers, which means this is a single workstation/computer version .
KWhotel Pro can store its information on a online or local server, which means this version can be used on multiple workstations at the same time. There is no limit to the number of computers, which can connect to the server.
Click here to read more on the pros and cons of each server option.
2) The additional modules the program can work with
As KWHotel Standard cannot send information outside of the computer it is installed on, there are some modules it cannot connect to.
*OTA synchronization with either a Channel Manager (YieldPlanet, Wubook) or Booking Portal (Booking.com/Expedia)
To read the full list chick here.