Configuration – Invoices
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This manual explains the following modules:
1. 1.Invoices (page 1)
1.2. Invoices (page 2)
1.3. Invoices (page 3)
1.4. Invoices (cash documents)
1.1. Invoices (page 1)

Abbreviated Business Identification Number (1) – allows to insert an abbreviation for your Tax ID`s name. The default value is “TAX ID”.
Titles on bills (2) – this section lets you insert the headlines of the following documents:
– Advance invoice
– Pro forma invoice
– Corrective invoice
– Receipt correction
– Cash documents (leaving this field empty will cause the default values to be used)
Print “Original” and “Copy” in the accounting documents (3) – allows to print the “Original”and “Copy” headlines, to distinguish documents easily.
Invoices numeration system (4) – allows to pick between a monthly and annual invoice numeration.
Monthly numeration – for example 32/A/06/2018
Annual numeration – for example 32/A/2018
In the examples above, “A” means the location of the custom prefix you can use in such numeration.
Automatically generate cash register receipt and disbursement after issuing a receipt (5) -automatically generates a cash document for every issued receipt.
Automatically generate cash register receipt and disbursement after issuing an invoice – automatically generates a cash document for every issued invoice.
Obligatory cash register status confirmation after changing the user (7) – enables “Shift reports” in KWHotel. Activating this option forces every non-administrator user to provide the amount located in the cash register, when he logs in to KWHotel. This marks the beginning of his shift.
During the shift, KWHotel registers the following actions:
-amount in cash register calculated during the previous shift
– amount in cash register provided by this user in the beginning of his shift
– total amount from cash documents issued by this user during his shift
– total amount from bank documents created during this shift
– documents issued by this user during his shift
– reservations created by this user during his shift
– reservations deleted by this user during his shift
The generated shift reports can be viewed by an Administrator in the Statistics > Shift reports.
More on “Shift reports” can be found here .
Automatically generate receipt after issuing an invoice (8) – a receipt will be automatically attached to every issued invoice.
Automatically issue deleting shift report on fiscal printer (9) – KWHotel, when the day is over (midnight) will send a signal to fiscal printer to issue a deleting shift report.
Default invoice prefix (10) – allows to include an additional prefix to issued invoices. The prefix is located between an invoice number and its` month / year. Pattern: 1 / Prefix / 2018.
Default bill prefix (11) – allows to include an additional prefix to issued bills. The prefix is located between a bill number and its` month / year. Pattern: 1 / Prefix / 2018.
Default advance invoices prefix (12) – allows to include a separate prefix for advance invoices (i.e. ADV)

Default name for the accommodation service on the invoice (13) – allows to customize the way the accommodation service will be displayed on the issued invoices. The following variables can be used:
{0} – date from{1} – date to{2} – room symbol
Example: Accommodation from {0} to {1} in room {2} = Accommodation from 22.11.2018 to 24.11.2018 in room 03.
Default name of advance payments on the invoice (14) – allows to customize the way the advance will be displayed on the issued invoices. The following variables can be used:
{1} – date from
{2} – date to
Product code (15) – allows to include a product code for your accommodation services.
Postscript to partial positions (16) – option used to insert uneven payments on the invoice (if we add another payment to the base payment)
1.2. Invoices (page 2)

To place a logo of your company on invoices, a .jpg file must be replaced in the KWHotel directory.
The exact location is described here.
The easiest way to reach this location is to press the magnifying glass button (1).
Payment types (2) – allows to create additional forms of payment. These can be used when issuing fiscal documents.
Attention! The “Cash” form of payment is the only one which causes KWHotel to issue a cash document. Every other form of payment will result in issuing a bank document.
Address printed on the invoice (3) – allows to use a different place of issuing a fiscal document,than it results from the license credentials.
Do not fill any form of payment in the documents automatically (4) – when enabled, it is required to manually select a form of payment before saving a fiscal document (it`s not set to Cash automatically)

Document prefix (does not impact the numeration) (5) – selecting this option allows you to change the default document prefixes
Print prefixes in documents (6) – if you select this option, KWHotel will print the newly created prefixes in the fiscal documents.
Prefix does not impact the numeration (7) – when enabled, prefix does not impact the numeration. Otherwise, KWHotel would change the numeration each time a different prefix is used.
FS 1 / 2018
FSR 2 / 2018
FSR 3 / 2018
FS 4 / 2018
Invoice – include information about a receipt assigned to this invoice (8) – enabling this option will cause KWHotel to show on the invoice, which receipt is assigned to it.
Default remarks for accommodation service on the invoice (9) – allows you to create a scheme which will be used to populate remarks on invoices.
You may use variables (i.e. {3} – Room symbol) to populate some data automatically.
Example: Typing “Accommodation of guest {5} in {0} – {1}, room {2}” will cause the following remarks to be displayed:
“Accommodation of guest Adam Smith in 22.11.2018 – 23.11.2018, room 003”.
You may view the exemplary result dynamically, if you press the “Insert default content of remarks in the invoice” button.
Attention! This option will only work for invoices issued in a reservation window.
1.3. Invoices (page 3)

Force issuing a receipt bill after each payment in the reservation (1) – related to reservation window.
Inserting any amount in “Advance” or “Amount paid” fields and pressing the “Save” button will force KWHotel to open a receipt creation window.
This prevents from accepting payments without issuing a receipt.
Force issuing an invoice after each payment in the reservation (2) – related to reservation window.
Inserting any amount in “Advance” or “Amount paid” fields and pressing the “Save” button will force KWHotel to open an invoice creation window.
This prevents from accepting payments without issuing an invoice.
Force issuing a cash document after each payment in the reservation (3) – related to reservation window.
Inserting any amount in “Advance” or “Amount paid” fields and pressing the “Save” button will force KWHotel to open a cash document creation window.
This prevents from accepting payments without issuing a cash document.
Disable receipts (4) – disables issuing receipts in a reservation window.
Disable to create an invoice in the booking window (the invoice will be issued only from the ticket editing window) (5) – disables issuing invoices in a reservation window.
Invoices can only be issued by editing a receipt and pressing the “Issue invoice” button. Please note this feature does not disable attaching one invoice to multiple receipts.
Group meals to one position on invoices (6) – causes all meals to be merged into a single entry on invoice.
The name of this entry can be set in the “Default name for meals on the invoice” field (12)
Documents issued for this hotel will be stored in the first hotel (7) – this option can only be seen in case you are running multiple properties on the same database.
Enabling it will cause all documents to be issued to the first property`s account (numeration from the first property will be used as well).
Documents from current property have common numeration with documents from property 1 (without receipts) (8) – selecting this option causes documents from the currently opened property and those from the first property to have the same numeration.
They are still issued independently, though. Does not take receipts into account.
Enable multiple cash registers (9) – this function is not used in KWHotel yet.
Every document on the computer will be issued for a specified hotel location, not for the currently selected hotel (10) – allows you to pick a property location that will be displayed on accounting documents.
Letter added to the prefix to the current object (11) – field used to insert additional prefix for documents issued from this property for another.
Hide Cash Documents in the booking window (12) – this feature will be described later.
Default name for grouped items on the invoice (13) – allows to determine the first part of assortment name that will be created when the “Group” option is used on the invoice.
Example: I insert value “Product”.
When I group together the “Accommodation” (8%) and Lunch (8%) entries, the single entry created will be “Product 8%”.
Product code (15) – allows to insert the default product code for meals.
1.4. Invoices (cash documents)

Cash accepted (1) – this field allows you to set your own abbreviation for “Cash accepted”document.
Cash released (2) – this field allows you to set you own abbreviation for “Cash released” document.
Bank accepted (3) – this field allows you to set your own abbreviation for “Bank accepted”document.
Bank released (4) – this field allows you to set your own abbreviation for “Bank released”document.
Separate with a slash instead of a space (5) – enabling this option will cause adding an additional ” / ” to separate cash document`s prefix from its` number.
Option disabled: KP 1/11/2018
Option enabled: KP/1/11/2018
Annual numeration (i.e. 32/A/2010) (6) – enabling this option will cause adding to cash documents an annual numeration.
Monthly numeration (i.e. 32/A/06/2010) (7) – enabling this option will cause adding to cash documents a monthly numeration.